#GALatinoVote Mobilization Email: Tomorrow is Election Day! Go VOTE!

#GALatinoVote Mobilization Email: Tomorrow is Election Day! Go VOTE! Volunteers needed to make calls from home for GOTV phone banking. ALL can help! Spread the word! #GALatinoVote

November 3, 2014

Let’s go vote!  Election Day is tomorrow!  The time to VOTE and make our voices heard collectively is here!  Please see below for some common questions and answers/resources for people to access.  We need your help today to spread the word to everyone you know!

Our efforts continue to Get Out To VOTE (GOTV).  We will need volunteers for this and you and your friends and family to participate with us.  Please see below and let us know if you are able to assist us today with some phone calls or offer rides to the polls?  Your choice.  Let us know.
Questions about the voting process or problems with the citizenship verification process?  Call us at 1-888-54GALEO.  Orale!  Su VOTO Es Su Voz!
By the way, have you visited our new website re-design?  Please check it out and let us know your thoughts!  Visit www.GALEO.org!


Stay more engaged and connected at www.facebook.com/GALEO.org. Updates are posted daily on what is happening regarding immigration and voting access.

Orale!  Our work together builds towards greater respect for our community & better inclusion of Latinos in Georgia!
Thank you!

Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO


Common Questions &
Resources for VOTERS!
The most common question we get is “WHERE DO I GO VOTE?” from our callers to the 1-888-54GALEO.  If you know anyone who wants to know where to go VOTE on Election Day in Georgia, please refer them to this page: http://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/

Next most popular question has been”WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING TO VOTE?” From the Secretary of State’s website, here is the answer:
What IDs are acceptable?
Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a FREE Voter ID Card issued by your county registrar’s office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS)

A Georgia Driver’s License, even if expired
Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state
Valid U.S. passport ID
Valid U.S. military photo ID
Valid tribal photo ID
Bring one of these six forms of identification to vote.
If anyone you know is being questioned because of their citizenship, please let us know immediately by calling 1-888-54GALEO.  We should be able to help them exercise their right to vote.

Please share this information widely!  Thank you and encourage everyone you know to go vote on Tuesday, November 4th!  The #GALatinoVote grows stronger every day!

To see the full email, please visit this link.

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