Advocacy Email: Call the Gainesville City Council at 1-844-885-2793! Celebrate #ImmigrantHeritageMonth with GALEO! Last day for membership drive. #GALatinoVote #gapol #IHM2015

Advocacy Email: Call the Gainesville City Council at 1-844-885-2793! Celebrate #ImmigrantHeritageMonth with GALEO! Last day for membership drive. #GALatinoVote #gapol #IHM2015

June 15, 2015
Advocacy Alert
We had a packed house with the nonpartisan candidate training yesterday!  Qualifying for local races begins in August.  Stay tuned.  Su VOTO Es Su Voz!  #GALatinoVote grows stronger every day!

Change is happening in Gainesville to eliminate at-large voting.  YOUR voice is needed and your presence can make a difference.  See below how you can help.

Also, GALEO is excited to celebrate #ImmigrantHeritageMonth this June! Check out the fresh new site: #IHM2015  and stay tuned on our for more details and for liking and sharing our posts.

Looking for a new career or job opportunities?   We post opportunities on our website.  Please check out our website and share with others.  New opportunities are posted weekly!  Link is here:
Our work together builds towards greater respect for our community & better inclusion of Latinos in Georgia!

Thank you! 

Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO

Your VOICE is needed in Gainesville!
Join our efforts and make a difference. 
YOUR CALLS Continue to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  PLEASE KEEP CALLING DAILY!  Your support is needed!  Please make a call to the City Council of Gainesville!  They need to hear from us and from our community in Gainesville.  Call 1-844-885-2793 and you will be connected with a City Council member from Gainesville.  Tell them that the time has come to end at-large voting.  Every day, the calls will go to a new City Council member.

GALEO, along with community members in Gainesville, are working to eliminate the discriminatory at-large voting process for the City of Gainesville.  Lots of activities and actions are planned and we will need your help and support.  There is an election this year in Gainesville and this will be a major issue for that election.  YOUR engagement matters and will help.  Check out this link for more information and options on how you can help! ( )

Your help is needed at Naturalization Ceremonies on Fridays!
Help us register new voters!
Many people will become U.S. citizens this year and will need to register to vote.

Last year leading up to the 2014 election, we registered over 7,000 New Americans at naturalization ceremonies.  So far, we have registered over 1,900 voters this year.  Volunteers are needed on Fridays to help us with this initiative. Please volunteer if you can!

There are many options in June and July for ceremonies on Fridays this year at USCIS in Tucker, GA and other places.  Are YOU able to volunteer with us any on Fridays?  Let us know by sending an email to to confirm your participation.  Please let us know the time frame of your availability on Fridays and please provide your cell phone number too.  Typically, the sessions are scheduled for 8 AM, 11 AM and/or 1 PM.  We will coordinate with you on which of these you can volunteer for.  Also, we will follow up with you with more details once you confirm.  Feel free to invite friends too!

There will be training necessary for all volunteers before going to the naturalization ceremonies.  If you have any questions, please send an email to Samuel Aguilar, GALEO Program Coordinator at for more details.

Get involved in 2015 with the GALEO Leadership Council!  Join us and let’s work on community efforts together!
Next meeting is on Tuesday, July 14th via phone conference, 6:30 PM – 8 PM!  Email will be sent with details for those who are signed up as GALEO members.
Typically, Meetings are scheduled every month at the Latin American Association Board Room or other room available.  Come meet the GALEO Leadership Council and hear about the 6 committees that you can be part of.  We encourage you to bring a friend as we continue our work for the year.
Please send me an email if you are interested in getting more involved to
Stay tuned for other updates.
IfYOUwould like to join ourGALEO Leadership Council, please become a member and let us know that you would like to get involved and participate!
GALEO is seeking College Interns for Fall 2015!
Interested in working on immigration reform and voter engagement in Georgia?

GALEO seeks undergraduate or graduate students every semester (Spring, Summer & Fall) for several part-time internships in community relations and administrative support. All student interns will be required to work a minimum of 10-15 hours per week and work directly with the Executive Director and Program Manager on a variety of important duties.

For more details, please visit this link:

Please send a resume and writing sample to Samuel Aguilar, GALEO Program Coordinator at

Follow GALEO on Instagram!
Are you on Instagram?
Please follow GALEO at the following link:

This summer, we have great interns that are having a competition on who will get the most likes on their pics.  So take a look because there will be lots of pics posted and you can pick the best ones!
Last Day is today for this opportunity!

Become a GALEO Member today & support our efforts in GA!

You will also be entered into a drawing for a pair of Southwest Airlines tickets!


Your membership to GALEO supports our work and also allows for you to become part of the GALEO Leadership Council!

GALEO membership is open to anyone who supports our efforts and mission.  Please consider becoming a member to help support our efforts in civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community in Georgia.  Through your membership, YOU make a difference and add your voice to ours!  Together, we are STRONGER!

Become part of our GALEO Familia by becoming a MEMBER of GALEO.  Once you are a member, you may join our GALEO Leadership Council to engage in the many activities we have going on to promote civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community.

Between April 1 and June 15th, all new and renewing memberships will be entered into a drawing for a pair of Southwest Airlines tickets.  Membership starts at $15.00, which is one entry.  Every level of membership higher will mean one more entry.  Join now and you will be entered into the drawing for the pair of airline tickets!

Join the GALEO Familia today!
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