Many people will become U.S. citizens this year and will need to register to vote.
Last year leading up to the 2014 election, we registered over 7,000 New Americans at naturalization ceremonies. So far, we have registered over 1,900 voters this year. Volunteers are needed on Fridays to help us with this initiative. Please volunteer if you can!
There are many options in June and July for ceremonies on Fridays this year at USCIS in Tucker, GA and other places. Are YOU able to volunteer with us any on Fridays? Let us know by sending an email to to confirm your participation. Please let us know the time frame of your availability on Fridays and please provide your cell phone number too. Typically, the sessions are scheduled for 8 AM, 11 AM and/or 1 PM. We will coordinate with you on which of these you can volunteer for. Also, we will follow up with you with more details once you confirm. Feel free to invite friends too!
There will be training necessary for all volunteers before going to the naturalization ceremonies. If you have any questions, please send an email to Samuel Aguilar, GALEO Program Coordinator at for more details.