Advocacy Email: Deadline approaching for Cesar Chavez Essay Contest and GALEO Institute for Leadership! Your voice is needed at the GA Senate! Please make some calls TODAY! #ImmigrationAction

February 9, 2015

Advocacy Alert
The deadlines for both the GALEO Institute for Leadership and the Cesar Chavez Essay contest are this week. Please see below for details and don’t miss out!

Last week, the U.S. Senate failed with THREE attempts to vote on the effort to eliminate #ImmigrationAction. Thank you all for taking action.

Also, the Georgia Legislature has assigned SB6 to the Public Safety Committee and it doesn’t appear to be moving quickly but YOUR VOICE is needed to ensure it does not. The legislation seeks to deny access to driver’s licenses to those who qualify for DACA and DAPA under President Obama’s #ImmigrationAction. The legislation also seeks to give permission to DMV to collect DNA samples. See below for the call to action to ensure we can block this legislation.

Your voice and engagement is needed now. Encourage others to join our email advocacy efforts by having them send a text with the word “GALEO” to the number 22828. This process would ask for their email and they can start getting these emails directly.

Take a look at the options below and make a commitment to make a difference in our community by getting involved with us this year! Your voice and engagement is needed! Join us to make a difference.

Stay more engaged and connected at Updates are posted daily on what is happening regarding immigration.

Looking for a new career or job opportunities? Please check out our website and share with others. Link is here:

Orale! Our work together builds towards greater respect for our community & better inclusion of Latinos in Georgia!

Thank you!
Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO


Help us stop SB6!
The legislation would ban access to driver’s licenses to those who qualify for deferred action under #ImmigrationAction and would also deny it to victims of domestic violence. It would also authorize DMV to collect your DNA.

SB6 has assigned to the Georgia Senate Public Safety Committee. It has been introduced by Georgia State Senator Josh McKoon (R-Columbus) and 11 State Senators have signed on as co-sponsors. The legislation was written with significant input by a convicted felon and anti-immigrant activist Donald Arthur King. Please see this link for who he is and the Anti-Defamation League’s blog about his efforts (

Please take a moment to call the Senators in the Public Safety Committee and tell them some of these talking points on the bill:

  • SB6 is unconstitutional. A recent federal ruling against the state of Arizona has made this an unworkable plan.
  • SB6 would also target and deny access to many other immigrants who qualify for deferred action status, such as victims of domestic violence. Passing this legislation would further victimize vulnerable population and encourage abusers further.
  • SB6 will allow the Department of Motor Vehicle to collect DNA from all Georgians accessing a driver’s license.
  • SB6 is bad for Georgia’s economic interests. The legislation would send the wrong message about Georgia’s efforts to attract foreign investment, like we just did with Mercedes Benz. Georgia needs to be a welcoming state and recover from the image problems that happened with HB87 in 2011.
  • SB6 would undermine public safety. Those who qualify for deferred action also qualify for a federal work permit. The State Attorney General has already provided the legal advice that deferred action status does enable potential drivers access to a drivers license. Given that they have access to a work permit, it would not make sense to deny them the right to drive to work to support their families and pay their fair share of taxes.
  • SB6 was written by a convicted felon and anti-immigrant activist.


There are many other problems with this legislation. It should not be passed.
For more information and legal analysis, please see this link:

Ask the Senators below to vote NO on this legislation should it come before them in committee.

Senator Tyler Harper – Chairman (R), (Ocila, GA) Farmer/businessman
Phone: (404) 463-5263 / Email:

Senator John Albers – Vice Chairman (R), (Roswell, GA) Executive/Business Owner
Phone: (404) 463-8055 / Email:

Senator Mike Dugan – Secretary (R), (Carrollton, GA) Retired military/Construction Industry
Phone: (404) 656-7454 / Email:

Senator Harold V. Jones II (D), (Augusta, GA) Attorney
Phone: (404) 463-3942

Senator Valencia Seay (D), (Riverdale, GA) Businesswoman
Phone: (404) 656-5095 / Email:

Senator Dr. Ben Watson (R), (Savannah, GA) Medical Doctor
Phone: (404) 656-7880 / Email:

Senator Michael Williams (R), (Cumming, GA) Small Business Owner
Email: / Phone: 404.656.7127

Lt. Governor Casey Cage, President of the Senate (R), (Gainesville, GA)
Phone: (404) 656-5030 / Email:

Finally, please read this blog post by Anton Flores, “GA Sen. McKoon’s Senate Bill 6 lacks moral compass”.

These are the Georgia State Senators who have co-sponsored the legislation:  Steve Gooch (R); William Ligon (R); Bill Heath (R); PK Martin (R); Greg Kirk (R); Bruce Thompson (R); Marty Harbin (R); Frank Ginn (R); Michael Williams (R); Mike Crane (R); Judson Hill (R).


Public Hearing on SB44, Lifts the Ban of Access to College for DREAMers and provides in-state tuition

There is a public hearing on this on Tuesday, February 10th. The bill is not expected to be voted upon yet, but we do want to encourage Senators to listen and be open to the legislative intent and opportunity to move our state forward.

Please call Senator Nan Orrock’s office at 404.463.8054 to express gratitude for her leadership on SB44 and to offer to help. In addition, find out where the hearing will be and encourage people to attend in support of SB44.

Secondly, we need everyone to call the Chairman of the Senate Higher Education Committee to encourage amendments to the bill that would allow for a positive vote on the legislation for it to move out of committee and to the Senate Floor. Please call Chairman of the GA Senate Higher Education Committee and let him know you appreciate the hearing but also want him to help craft the legislation to gain additional Republican support. Call him, Chairman Fran Millar at 404.463.2260.

Stay tuned for more updates on SB44.


Recruitment continues for the GALEO Institute for Leadership Class of 2015
Deadline is approaching quickly!

Last day to apply is
February 11th, at midnight.

Do you want to become more involved in our community and don’t know how? Do you want to enhance your leadership skills to enhance your job prospects? Do you want to make a difference in our communities?

Then the GALEO Institute for Leadership is for you! All are encouraged to apply. Diversity is a strength and all adults are welcome to apply!

For more information, please visit the link below:


To view the complete advocacy email, please visit this link.

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