AFL-CIO Organizing Institute

I hope this email finds you in great spirits as we are coming into the Holiday Season.  I am writing you because the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute is working closely with labor unions in the south and across the country to recruit individuals who are interested in a career in social and economic justice to train them to become union organizers.  Union organizers assists workers in gaining union representation.  An organizer educates workers (mostly in non-union workplaces) about their rights, identifies and develops leadership skills and runs union organizing campaigns for union recognition.

The AFL-CIO Organizing Institute runs a highly selective, classroom and paid field training program to match talented individuals from a variety of backgrounds who want to be union organizers with unions looking to expand their organizing programs.  Organizing Institute training gives an intensive look at the work of a union organizer.  The Organizing Institute offers participants a thorough look at a variety of unions to best match individuals with the unions most appropriate for them.  Participants learn one-on-one communication skills, leadership identification and development, as well as campaign and strategic planning skills.

We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic and committed activists who are immediately ready for a career in the labor movement as a union organizer.  We are looking for applicants who want to see the country and can make the commitment to travel and/or relocate to where the work is.  People of color, women and folks with bi-lingual skills are encouraged to apply..

Attached is a flyer with more information on applying to become a union organizer.  For those interested in applying to become a union organizer, please visit  Once on the website, click the ‘non-members’ link to apply to the Atlanta Union Organizer training.  We have an upcoming training for people who are interested in becoming a union organizer in Atlanta, GA January 22 – 24, 2016.  The deadline to apply to the training in Atlanta January 8, 2016.

We ask that you pass this information to interns, volunteers and peers you think would be interested in pursuing a career as a union organizer and encourage them to apply.  Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions at

Lastly, in the next coming days, I would like to meet with you or someone from the GALEO to talk more about our program and the qualifications that we are looking for in individuals who may be interested in becoming union organizers.  Let me know if there are dates that work for you.

In unity and peace,

Patrick Scott, Deputy Director

AFL-CIO Organizing Institute


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