Community Opportunity in PreK Education with Stipend

Community Opportunity in PreK Education with Stipend


GEEARS is looking for individuals to help recruit for open PreK spots. This position has a stipend, so it’s not totally volunteer. They are in need of Spanish speakers to serve as the liaisons (Ambassadors).


Role description: 

The workshops will educate the Ambassadors about the Importance of Early Learning, Brain Development, the Providers and options. They will then take this information and spread it to the community. The participants attend 4 workshops. They will receive $250 stipend after the final workshop (you will need to fill out a W-9 form). Additional stipends are available for attending events, hosting approved events, distributing flyers etc. The first meeting will explain this in more detail.



The first meeting/training is this coming weekend, March 17th (see attached flyer).



Anyone interested in being a part of the program needs to fill out an application here:


If the form is problematic, potential applicants can also call Dawan, who is the project manager for this job. He is also fluent in Spanish.



Questions can be directed to:

Dawan Barfield

Pre-K Recruitment SpecialisT

GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students

Office: 404-410-8564

Cell: 404-549-0254


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