Disappointed Reactions from other organizations on Pres. Obama’s decision to delay immigration relief

America’s Voice Reacts to News of Executive Action Delay

Washington, DC – As news reports today confirm, President Obama will officially delay his announcement on executive action until after the 2014 elections. Following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice:

“We are bitterly disappointed in the President and we are bitterly disappointed in the Senate Democrats. We advocates didn’t make the reform promise; we just made the mistake of believing it. The President and Senate Democrats have chosen politics over people; the status quo over solving real problems. To paraphrase the revolutionary writer Thomas Paine, these politicians are simply sunshine opportunists, who expect Latino voters to support them in good times, but when the going gets tough, they abandon Latinos and their issues as fast as you can say piñata.

“It is hard to believe this litany of high expectations and broken promises will be mended by the end of the year. But I do know this: we will continue to fight for what Americans want: to bring 11 million people out of the shadows and under the rule of law. To treat these men, women and families like the human beings they are: they care for our children, tend to our gardens, harvest our crops and build our cities. The stakes have only been raised; so is our determination.”

Follow Frank Sharry and America’s Voice on Twitter @FrankSharry and @AmericasVoice.

America’s Voice – Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform



President Obama is putting us on the back burner. AGAIN.

Recent reports claim that President Obama has once again delayed using his executive authority to provide deportation relief to millions of undocumented immigrants. The President is instead waiting until after the November midterm elections to make an announcement, leaving millions of mothers and fathers under the perpetual threat of deportation.

It’s clear he’s playing politics with the lives of our families, and it’s a huge slap in the face of the immigrant community.

Join our Twitter Town-hall tonight at 8PM to discuss Obama’s latest broken promise on immigration and what this means for undocumented community. We’ll be sharing political analysis and discussing our movement’s next steps.

Where we have demanded leadership and courage, we’ve received nothing but false hope and lack of political backbone. To wait nine more week means the President has agreed to deport more than 70,000 people, more than 1,100 every day, and continues cementing his legacy as the Deporter-in-Chief.

But we won’t forget this administration’s latest failure. We remain steadfast in fighting for justice for our families. Across the country, we will escalate until the moral crisis in our community is lifted and millions of people are liberated from the fear of being torn from their families.




Contact: Beatriz Lopez, beatriz.lopez@seiu.org, 202-412-7396
Sahar Walis, sahar.walis@seiu.org

SEIU on White House’s Decision to Delay Executive Action on Immigration

WASHINGTON, DC – After President Obama announced his decision to delay executive action on immigration, the Service Employees International Union’s (SEIU) President, Mary Kay Henry, and Executive Vice President, Rocio Saenz, issued the following joint statement:

“America is a nation founded on the dreams of immigrants. Today, we are deeply disheartened that the dreams of hard-working immigrant families who have long contributed to the fabric of the American life remain in jeopardy. The White House’s decision to delay executive action forces countless families to continue to wait in the shadows of fear.

“We are deeply disappointed but not paralyzed.

“By far, this isn’t the end game. Immigration reform has and always will be our future. While the president will continue to hear from us, Congress will feel the pressure of a growing electorate.

“We haven’t forgotten how we first got here. Republicans failed the American people by refusing to vote on meaningful immigration reform. Holding them accountable in November is a promise that we intend to keep.

“We know that whatever administrative action the president takes in the future will only be temporary. Whether it’s at the polls or on the streets, we’ll make sure immigration reform becomes a reality.

“The factor of change is us—the Latino, immigrant, African American and immigration reform voter. And we refuse to become victims of ‘wait’ and the status quo.”



For Immediate Release Contact:

September 5, 2014 Shannon Maurer, 202-604-2464

PICO Reacts to Unacceptable Delay of Administrative Action on Immigration Reform

Washington, DC –Today, the Obama administration announced that they will delay a decision to take administrative action to address our country’s immigration and deportation crisis until after the midterm elections. The following is a statement from Eddie Carmona, Campaign Manager for PICO National Network’s Campaign for Citizenship in reaction to this unacceptable news:

“It’s difficult to express the disappointment and pain I feel on behalf of our community. The odds of us being let down by President Obama were high. Today the President and the Senate Democrats have made it very clear that undocumented immigrants and Latinos are simply viewed as political pawns. Unfortunately, this political game comes with the consequence of tearing apart families. Since the President’s announcement on June 30th, that he would use his existing legal authority to fix parts of the immigration system, more than 64,000 people were deported. The President and the Senate democrats have decided that it’s okay to see several thousand more deportations for a few political gains.”

“This was never about politics for us. It has always been about our families. We hope the nation’s leaders will one day view this issue through the same lens. Our families have been ignored, neglected, and demonized by elected officials for too long.”

“We have experienced many set-backs and broken promises through the years, but we promise to hold the President and our elected leaders in both parties accountable for inaction. We know that the work we have done over the years has gotten us to this place where this President–who has deported more undocumented immigrants than any other President in American history—has promised to act. Despite this unacceptable delay, we will continue to push until the status quo is changed and reform becomes a reality.”


PICO National Network is the largest grassroots, faith-based organizing network in the United States. PICO works with 1,000 religious congregations in more than 200 cities and towns through its 60 local and state federations. PICO and its federations are non-partisan and do not endorse or support candidates for office. PICO urges people of faith to consult their faith traditions for guidance on specific policies and legislation. Learn more at www.piconetwork.org.




For Immediate Release: Saturday, Sept. 6, 2014

Contact: Ricardo A. Ramírez, (202) 905-1738

President Obama Breaks His Pledge to Immigrant Families

(WASHINGTON) –Deepak Bhargava, on behalf of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), released the following statement today in response to President Obama’s decision to delay relief for immigrant families. Bhargava is the Executive Director of the Center for Community Change, a member of FIRM.

“In a breathtakingly harsh and short sighted political miscalculation, immigrant families were sacrificed today. Make no mistake – this delay will have tragic consequences for the fathers, mothers, sons and daughters who will be ripped from one another’s arms in the coming weeks and months. A delay of weeks may not seem like a lot to a politician in DC, but it is everything to a child who will lose his or her parents in that time.”

“President Obama has broken yet another promise he had made to immigrant families. By cowing before squeamish Democratic Senators and GOP bullies he has put politics ahead of the lives of immigrants and urgent needs of America. Immigrant families will respond to this lack of leadership with a brave and fierce determination to make sure promises are kept.”

The Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) is the nation’s largest immigrant-rights coalition, with grassroots organizations in 30 states fighting for immigrant rights at the local, state and federal level. For more information, go to www.fairimmigration.org<http://www.fairimmigration.org/>.



September 6, 2014


Adela de la Torre, NILC, 213-400-7822, delatorre@nilc.org

NILC: President Puts Politics of Fear Over Sound Policy

Decision to Delay Executive Action on Immigration Will Tear More Families Apart, Hurt the Economy


WASHINGTON — Several major outlets have reported that President Obama will delay making any decisions about changing immigration policy until after the November 2014 elections. This is a stark reversal from the June 30 promise he made in the Rose Garden, where he stated that once he reviewed recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice at the end of the summer he would “adopt those recommendations without further delay.”

This decision, though not unexpected, was widely discouraged by advocates, who sent a letter to the president signed by more than 180 Latino and Asian American groups, along with labor, faith, and immigrants’ rights organizations, to encourage him to act without delay. Below is a statement from Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center:

“Today, President Obama let the politics of fear get in the way of standing up for justice and fairness. It is ironic that at a moment when immigrant, Latino, and Asian American communities have shown their strength – at the ballot box, at the workplace, and in their communities – the president has chosen to stand instead with politicians and others who would prefer a short-term political gain instead of doing what is right and what will have the greatest long-term benefits.

“The president’s decision to delay any action will only allow our dysfunctional immigration system to continue to devastate families, communities, and our economy. The Obama administration now shares blame for this devastation: The president has noted that his staff have already provided recommendations that could prevent further separation of families and remove the threat of deportation, leaving the choice entirely up to him.

“Although immigration reform voters and the communities they represent are deeply disappointed today, we will not back down. We will continue to fight for policies and laws that allow all aspiring Americans, regardless of economic status, to live fully and freely in this country. We hope President Obama’s disappointing detour from the path to justice is short, and that he joins us on this fight soon. While many immigrants will find it hard to believe that the president will indeed follow through on executive action before the end of the year, the National Immigration Law Center remains steadfast in advocating for administrative reforms which we know will be life-changing for immigrant families and communities, and good for our country.”

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September 6, 2014


Contact: Gebe Martinez 703-731-9505 gebem@mifamiliavota.org


Mi Familia Vota Responds to President’s Delay on Immigration Until After November Election


The following is a statement by Mi Familia Vota Executive Director Ben Monterroso:


“We are deeply disappointed — angry — that the president says he is committed to using his executive authority to bring relief to immigrant families, yet has decided not to take actionby the end of summer, as he previously promised.


“We also realize that we find ourselves in this dilemma due to the Republican-led House that derailed the best chance we have had in recent years for comprehensive immigration reform. The longer the president and Congress wait, the more our families suffer.


“But we will not remain silent.

“We will turn our frustration into action at the ballot boxes. Our votes in the2012 election brought the immigration issue to the forefront, and the continuing growth of the Latino electorate this November and in the next presidential election in 2016 will force the changes that are needed.


“In coming days, the Latino community will kick off its national voter registration drives, to be followed by a get-out-the-vote campaign that holds Congress accountable for stalling on immigration reform.


“While politicians play political games with the lives of immigrants and fail to come up with a solution, Latinos and the immigrant community will remember that we are the answer. We can force change through our growing number of votes and strong civic participation.


Mi Familia Vota will work to remind our community that if Washington refuses to act then we must act — through the power of our vote — turning the potential of our growing numbers into a political force.”






Washington, DC—Today, the White House announced that President Obama will delay taking any action to allow millions of hardworking undocumented immigrants to stay, live, and work in America.


Below is a statement from Sue Chinn, the National Campaign Director for the Alliance for Citizenship:


“President Obama’s decision today to delay action on immigration reform may put certain Senate Democrats at ease, but the President’s political calculation provides no comfort to the 11 million hardworking people who will continue to live in fear of being torn from their families by our broken immigration system.
“Anti-immigrant Republicans spent more than a year obstructing comprehensive immigration reform, but Democrats also showed little leadership in taking charge to resolve the ongoing immigration crisis.


“The President’s broken promise to immigrant families may save a few Senate Democrats on Election Day. But from now to November 4, the Obama administration will deport 68,000 more workers, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers because politics trumped doing what’s right for our country and our economy.


“We now know that we cannot trust any politicians at their word. The only thing we can count on is the strength of our movement, which is growing stronger every day. We will make our voice heard at the ballot box this year and, Mr. President, you can take our word that we will be heard every day—not just on Election Day—until you live up to your promise. And we won’t stop until justice is served.”


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 6, 2014 / share here

Contact: Joe Shansky, Voces de la Frontera 414.795.3380, joe@vdlf.org

White House Immigration Relief Delay: Politics Over People

In response to the President’s announcement today that he will again delay executive action on immigration, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, executive director of Voces de la Frontera, released the following:

“Today’s news is a clear statement from Washington that once again, politics trumps the lives of people.

Six years ago, President Obama was elected on a pledge to pass immigration reform in the first 100 days of his term. Instead, his administration has squandered the opportunity to move a bill under a majority Democratic Congress.

They have chosen to continue the previous administration’s “endgame” enforcement policies to build and expand a deportation machinery that has torn families apart, criminalized working class people whose labor we benefit from, and only served to benefit private prisons and private military contractors on the border.

Yet again the President asks the people for more time. Our families don’t have that time – not when ICE’s arbitrary quotas demand that 32,000 people be detained a day and 1,100 end up being deported daily.

The major lesson for our movement now is to overcome the cruel partisan gamesmanship that dominates our culture, and for the people most impacted to escalate our activity and voices on the ground.

That’s how we defeated draconian legislation like Sensenbrenner’s HR 4437 or Arizona-style criminalization laws, and secured meaningful victories like Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

And that’s why we’ll mobilize harder than than ever to defend our communities, in the face of these cynical political calculations.”




September 6, 2014 Julian Teixeira

(202) 776-1812





WASHINGTON—Today, President Obama announced that administrative action on immigration will be delayed until after the November elections. In news reports, White House officials cited Democrats’ concerns about the impact of executive action on the party’s electoral prospects as the reason for the delay.


“When candidate Obama asked our community for support in 2008 and 2012, he urged us all to vote based on our hopes, not our fears. Today, President Obama gave in to the fears of Democratic political operatives, crushing the hopes of millions of hard-working people living under the constant threat of deportation and family separation,” said Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO.


“Tens of thousands of human beings are likely to be separated from their families between now and the election. These families have embraced and contributed to this country. All they ask is for a chance to get right with the law, step out of the shadows and further contribute to a nation where most of them have lived for more than a decade. Their suffering, and that of their family members, who include U.S.-citizen children and spouses, should weigh on the consciences of each and every person responsible for this delay,” Murguía continued.


“President Obama, Senate Democrats and House Republicans have all succumbed to their political fears, avoiding what they all privately acknowledge is the right thing to do, not just for the Hispanic community, but for the country they are sworn to serve. They might rest easier tonight knowing they’ve avoided another inconvenient political problem, but I guarantee that the dreams they have shattered today will haunt them far into the future,” Murguía concluded.


NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.





For more information, contact:

Monica Trevino, 773.573.8667 (mobile) or mtrevino@icirr.org


President Obama Delay on Administrative Relief Announcement is Unacceptable


The following is a statement by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) on President Obama’s decision to delay an announcement on administrative relief until after November elections


ICIRR is deeply disappointed that the President is delaying administrative action that could protect hundreds of thousands of Illinois immigrants and families. Immigrant communities placed great hope in President Obama when he first ran, only to see those hopes dashed again and again. All the while, millions of immigrant families have been torn apart and will continue to face separation as the White House stalls.


“We will continue to organize to ensure that Latino and immigrant voices are heard and respected, and our families are kept together,” said ICIRR’s CEO Lawrence Benito. “Neither Republicans or Democrats should take the growing immigrant power for granted, and we will hold both parties accountable through the November elections and beyond.

ICIRR will be organizing a press event with US Representative Luis Gutierrez, community leaders, and immigrant families who have long needed and anticipated changes to our immigration laws. We will speak with a united voice: This latest delay is unacceptable, and immigrant communities will not forget. The press conference is scheduled for Monday at 11:30 am at Casa Michocan, 1638 West Blue Island, Chicago, Illinois


The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights is a statewide coalition of more than 130 organizations dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society. For more information, visit www.icirr.org.



For Immediate Release: Contact: Katy Green

September 6, 2014 650-464-1545


United Farm Workers Reacts to News of Delay on Executive Action: “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied”


Washington, DC – Following is a statement from Arturo Rodriguez, President of United Farm Workers, reacting to news of President Obama’s decision to delay his executive action announcement until after the midterms.


“Justice delayed is justice denied. Consequently hardworking immigrants will continue to be vulnerable, exploited, and not receive the respect and dignity they deserve.


“There are 11 million reasons for the President to act on immigration, but instead of doing what’s right for the economy, farm workers and the country, he broke his promise to the millions of immigrants and Latinos who are looking for him to lead on this issue in the wake of Republicans’ dysfunction and obstruction. While we’re disappointed in his decision, we’re going to keep fighting and organizing until we get the win our community needs and deserves.


“Victory on immigration remains a matter of when, not if.”





Saturday, September 06, 2014



George Tzamaras or Belle Woods

202-507-7649 202-507-7675

gtzamaras@aila.org bwoods@aila.org




Washington, DC – The following is a statement from Leslie Holman, President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) about President Obama’s announced decision to again delay any executive action that would help immigrants, their families, and our economy:


“Through this decision to delay, President Obama has broken yet another promise to immigrants, their families, U.S. businesses, and a community largely responsible for his even having a second term. This President, who has deported more people in 5 years than any other, who has doubled down on the jailing of women and children, who has tried to gut the protections we have for trafficked children, who has failed to curb the unjustified denial of legitimate business applications or provide promised incentives to encourage entrepreneurship, has now joined the House of Representatives in profound failure regarding our immigration system.


“By breaking his promise to exercise his authority this summer to provide some relief from the immigration system’s dysfunction, the President has bowed to political pressure to the detriment of many: the businesses that are struggling, idea-generating immigrant entrepreneurs, families waiting to be reunited, and those whose lives his deportation machine is destroying each day. All of them, all of us, were waiting for him to lead.


“Even as he once again declines to act expeditiously, President Obama is doubling down on his aggressive deportation record by turning his back on our country’s moral obligation to provide refuge for the most vulnerable people fleeing unspeakable violence, by consigning families to jails and rushing women and children through deportation with little more than an impersonation of due process. Despite the Administration’s best efforts to railroad these families out of the country, volunteer attorneys have been gathering at the Artesia, New Mexico detention center—a center set up hours away from the nearest legal help—to provide pro bono assistance in battling what had previously seemed to be pre-determined fates of the women and children there. And what they are seeing are people clearly qualified for, and desperately in need of, this country’s protection. Similarly, attorneys are trying to keep up with the number of unaccompanied children who are being marched before immigration judges, alone and unrepresented, to face a hurried judgment of deportation.


“The attempt to deny protection to desperate refugees, and the delay on immigration action, make absolutely no fiscal or moral sense, and are built on questionable political assumptions. The Administration’s treatment of women and children refugees is leaving a stain on our country’s history that can never be lifted. The President’s chain of broken promises on repairing, or at least patching, our broken immigration system is a betrayal of all who put their hopes in his leadership.


“I’m disappointed in the President and urge him to reconsider and to move swiftly on both fronts: fix what he can of what’s broken in our immigration system and do what’s right by the women and children jailed and railroaded instead of protected. Our country’s values require no less.”



The American Immigration Lawyers Association is the national association of immigration lawyers established to promote justice, advocate for fair and reasonable immigration law and policy, advance the quality of immigration and nationality law and practice, and enhance the professional development of its members.




Contact: Sandhya Bathija, sbathija@advancingjustice-aajc.org
September 6, 2014

President Obama’s delay to take action on immigration is devastating for families

Immigration advocates must continue to push for relief

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Barack Obama today indicated that he would not take action to address our nation’s immigration crisis until after the midterm elections, according to news reports.

Mee Moua, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, issued the following response:

“President Obama has the opportunity to act within his legal authority to solve an ongoing crisis facing our nation. Every day the president waits, it magnifies the impact our currently broken system has on families.


We fully expect President Obama to make good on his promise to do all that he can to protect and help immigrants and their families. Until Congress can pass comprehensive immigration reform, the president has the power to temporarily ensure immigrants who have put down roots and who are contributing to the economic success of the nation no longer live with fear.

Our organization and the communities we represent will continue to work with the Administration and Congress to achieve an immigration system that keeps families together and accounts for the modern needs and demands of immigrants.”

Currently, there are 1.3 million undocumented Asian Americans in the United States. Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC sent a letter in August to the president providing a list of immigration priorities for the Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities.

Founded in 1991, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC works to advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans, and build and promote a fair and equitable society for all.




September 6, 2014 202-822-7823, mgonzalez@nea.org


NEA on White House’s decision to delay immigration executive action

Inaction continues to leave millions of aspiring Americans in the shadows of society


WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama today announced that he would delay executive action on immigration until after the November elections, disappointing millions of aspiring Americans and immigration reform advocates.

NEA Lily Eskelsen García issued the following statement:

“We are deeply disheartened by President Obama’s announcement to delay executive action on immigration.

“After years of waiting in the shadows of society, millions of aspiring new Americans were a step closer to reaching the light at the end of the tunnel.

“Now, as a result of inaction on immigration, their American dreams are on hold. Again.

“Every day, our nation’s educators continue to see the fear and distress that our broken immigration system causes for students, families and communities. We know that the inaction delays dreams, prolongs trauma, and hurts our nation.

“We are disappointed but we will not give up; that’s not what educators do.

“In our daily work in schools and classrooms across the country, we teach our students that America is a country of immigrants, we point to their rich and robust social, cultural and economic contributions to this country.

“We also teach our students that our citizens have the power and a moral responsibility to stand up for what is right.

“Educators will continue to push to end the harmful paralysis in the House and pass comprehensive immigration reform. Children and families’ lives shouldn’t be dictated by politics , but rather the urgency of decent-minded lawmakers who understand their obligation to solve problems for real people.”

Follow us @NEAMedia




The National Education Association is the nation’s largest professional employee organization, representing more than 3 million elementary and secondary teachers, higher education faculty, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators and students preparing to become teachers.



Press Statement
For Immediate Release:  September 6, 2014
Contact:  Emily Kessel, NAKASEC, eakessel@nakasec.org

NAKASEC and Affiliates Express Outrage Over the President’s Delay

WASHINGTON DC – Today, the White House announced that the President will delay executive action on immigration until November after the mid-term elections. The decision comes only days after NAKASEC and its affiliates delivered 5,000 postcards from Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) across the country to the White House on September 4, demanding that President Obama act bold on administrative relief now.

The following is a joint statement by Dae Joong (DJ) Yoon, executive director of the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), Hee Joo Yoon, executive director of the Korean Resource Center (KRC), and Inhe Choi, executive director of the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center (KRCC):

“We are disheartened by the news that President Obama has chosen politics over the immigrant community. The President promised to push for immigration reform, and when this proved unsuccessful he promised to act where Congress had failed. Every day community members come to NAKASEC, KRC, and KRCC inquiring whether the President will expand deferred action and provide the overdue relief to suffering family members living in fear of deportation. We brought thousands of postcards that reflect community voices and demonstrated the urgent need for President Obama to act as soon as possible. We have been preparing for the announcement and meeting with USCIS and other offices to discuss how we can best work together. Now, we have to tell our community members that the President has decided to go back on his promise. Every day, week, and month that the immigrant community is denied relief, hardworking families will continue to suffer. This news is an utter disappointment. We will continue to fight so that our communities will no longer lose out to politics.”

Post Card Delivery to the White House on September 4, 2014


Video of press conference in front of White House (link)

For photos and video, please follow us on Facebook (link) and Twitter (@nakasec)

The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) was founded in 1994 by local community centers to project a progressive voice and promote the full participation of Korean Americans on major social justice issues. NAKASEC maintains offices in Annandale, Virginia and Los Angeles, California. NAKASEC has affiliates in Chicago (Korean American Resource & Cultural Center) and Los Angeles (Korean Resource Center).



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