Domestic Terrorism Against the Hispanic Community

August 7, 2019

El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio are both reeling and mourning from another set of mass shootings in our nation.  El Paso, Texas is different.  The white nationalist domestic terrorist purposefully targeted the Latinx community for his attack and used similar extremist and racist language which the President has used during his campaign and while in office.  Please take a look at the letter we signed on to along with many Latinx leaders from across the nation. 

The time for us to stand up for our community and our nation is now.  We must take a stand on senseless gun violence and also firmly stand against any white supremacist and racist bigotry, even if it comes from the White House.  We must also hold accountable those who remain silent or make excuses for both the racist acts of terror or for racist and white nationalist political rhetoric.  Take a stand. 

Join us.  Register. Vote.  Become a U.S. citizen.  Be vocal and show up.  Our Latinx community needs you and so does the soul of our nation.  Unidos, si se puede!

In 2020, we will begin the important process of making sure every single person, including all babies, are counted in the 2020 Census.  The Georgia Latino Complete Count Committee continues to form and expand. if you would like to join our efforts!

Please see all the ways you can engage in our efforts today. Then, please share on social media too. 

Please join our advocacy efforts by joining our texting campaign.  Please stay engaged and respond to important actions by texting the word IMMIGRATION to the short code number 864-237.  This will add you to our texting program to ensure we speak up at needed times.  

Please consider the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund as you prioritize your end of the year donations.  Please follow the link here:

If you would like to keep getting emails from GALEO, please take a moment to subscribe to our new service:  You can choose General or Advocacy list to determine how many emails you may get from us.

Thank you once again for your continued support!

Jerry Gonzalez

Executive Director


Latinos are under attack.  Call the El Paso shooting what it is: Domestic terrorism against the Hispanic community

In response to the tragic El Paso shooting on Saturday, dozens and dozens of Latino leaders across the country signed onto an oped that ran in the Washington Post online edition on Tuesday, August 6th. In addition to the signers who appeared in the online edition, the following people have also signed onto the letter (last updated at 6:45PM ET, on Tuesday, August 6, 2019). 

Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO is one of the many signors of this letter nationally.

See the full list of names here:

The Washington Post Opinion Editorial is here:

More thoughts from other Latinx leaders:


Call Gwinnett County Commissioner

Marlene Fosque and ask her to OPPOSE 287g!

UPDATE:  Thank you for your calls.  Commissioner Fosque did condemn the Sheriff and DA King for their testimony.  However, she stopped short of denouncing 287g as a white nationalist policy that it is.  Clearly, the sheriff knows this because he sent the white nationalist to speak on his behalf on this racist 287g policy.   

Commissioner Fosque still needs to hear from you to oppose 287g!

“By choosing D.A. King as its official spokesperson, the Gwinnett Co Sheriff’s Office has blatantly shown that it operates on a platform of #racism and complete disregard of any immigrant rights,” was what our allies at AAAJ-Atlanta said, and we agree.

The person who was sent to represent the Gwinnett Sheriff’s Office is Donald Arthur King (aka D.A. King), a convicted felon who runs a hate group called the Dustin Inman Society. 

Why would the Sheriff of Gwinnett County send a white nationalist to speak on his office’s behalf on the 287g policy?  The answer is simple.  The Sheriff is comfortable with the support of white nationalist because the 287g program is a white nationalist policy.

Who is D.A. KING, the convicted felon?

Dustin Inman Society:  “The Dustin Inman Society is a Georgia-based anti-immigrant hate group founded and led by activist D.A. King. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists it as an anti-immigrant hate group because it denigrates immigrants and supports efforts to make the lives of immigrants so hard that they leave on their own-a tactic known as “attrition through enforcement.” 

DA King’s Ties to White Nationalists:  In 2007, DIS accepted $5,000 from U.S. Inc, John Tanton’s foundation. Tanton was a Michigan opthamologist turned white nationalist who has created a network of anti-immigrant organizations.  “For me, while standing a few feet away from group after group, the impulse to reach out and personally deport these Third World invaders was nearly uncontrollable” King wrote in a June 2006 VDARE article. 

In April 2007, for example, when speaking at a Newton County (Georgia) Republican Party meeting, Mr. King reportedly suggested that undocumented immigrants are ‘not here to mow your lawn – they’re here to blow up your buildings and kill your children, and you, and me.’  Mr. King has also asserted that the United States is ‘being invaded and colonized’ by a ‘Mexican mob that brings with it a culture of lawlessness and chaos.’

Gwinnett County Commissioner Marlene Fosque shares the responsibility of allowing white nationalist to speak on behalf of the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s office.  She provided a platform for a white nationalist to spread a racist and white nationalist policy like 287g.  We need to let her know this is unacceptable.

Please call Commissioner Marlene M. Fosque, District 4, at 770.822.7004 or email to let her know she can’t remain neutral on 287g.

She must OPPOSE it!

More information about the meeting last night is posted here:



the 3rd Annual Latino Leaders Summit!

Keynote speaker:  Samantha Ramirez-Herrera

Entrepreneur, Public Speaker & Emmy Winning Storyteller

Date:  Saturday, September 21, 2019

Time:  8:30 AM – 7:00 PM

More information is posted online:



Hall County should have bilingual access in English and Spanish for all elections material!

GALEO and other community members have launched a petition addressed to Hall County Commissioners and the Hall County Elections Board.  Please spread the word!

#HallEspanol #GALatinoVote  


Let’s work together against 287(g) in Gwinnett!

The campaign to get ICE Out of Gwinnett is a group of concerned individuals from Gwinnett County to end the 287(g) program. The campaign is led by Asian American’s Advancing Justice – Atlanta, other organizations, and community members.  GALEO is proud to partner in these efforts.  

To sign on to support getting ICE out of Gwinnett, please sign up here:

Follow the campaign efforts and activities on facebook:


GALEO is hiring a part-time person to help us with #2020Census and the #2020Election

Are you looking for a new career or job opportunity?  Know someone who is looking for a job? 

GALEO is seeking a bilingual (Spanish/English) person to assist our efforts with the 2020 Census and election cycles.  Please see the link below for details:

GALEO is also seeking an part-time canvassers for local elections and for 2020 Census work!  Please email for details.

Other job opportunities posted here too:


heck out our Job Opportunities section on our website!

Are you looking for a new career or job opportunity?  Know someone who is looking for a job?  Also, some volunteer positions will be posted here from time to time.  Please check this link weekly!
GALEO is also seeking an part-time canvassers for local elections and for 2020 Census work!  Please email for details.


Join GALEO & become an active member of our network!    

Your membership to GALEO supports our work and also allows for you to become part of the GALEO Leadership Council!

GALEO membership is open to anyone who supports our efforts and mission.  Please consider becoming a member to help support our efforts in civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community in Georgia.  Through your membership, YOU make a difference and add your voice to ours!  Together, we are STRONGER!

Become part of our GALEO Familia by becoming a MEMBER of GALEO.  Once you are a member, you may join our GALEO Leadership Council to engage in the many activities we have going on to promote civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community.

GALEO Membership:

Join the GALEO Familia today!

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