Gainesville: Racial Profiling Community Conversation

Criminal Justice-The Newtown Florist Club has est​ablished the Criminal Justice Reform Project names Quintus Harrison as Project Director.

The projects primary focus areas are: keeping children out of prison; providing support to children of incarcerated parents; addressing the issue of mass incarceration of Black men; sentencing bias; probation and parole reform and improving law enforcement and community relations. Quintus is an excellent choice to provide leadership for this project, says Rev. Rose Johnson, NFC director. Quintus adds, “I’ve been there, I know what its like and we must do more to keep our brothers, sisters and children stay out of the system.”  The project will begin its work by convening Community Conversations related to criminal justice every other month.

Things to know:
Hold the date: Racial Profiling Community Conversation, Thursday, August 27th, 2015, 6pm, location to be determined.

Community Involvement: If you would like to volunteer to work on the Criminal Justice Committee please call the office 770.718.1343.

First Meeting to prepare for the Racial Profiling conversation, Sunday, August 2, 3:00pm NFC office. If you have an issue, complaint or problem you’d like to see address please attend.

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