#GALatinoVote Mobilization Email: Volunteers needed on Thursday, 5:30 PM – 8 PM, phone banking. GOTV is next! ALL can help! Spread the word! #GALatinoVote

#GALatinoVote Mobilization Email: Volunteers needed on Thursday, 5:30 PM – 8 PM, phone banking. GOTV is next! ALL can help! Spread the word! #GALatinoVote

October 8, 2014

Advocacy Alert

Thank you to all who participated in our efforts to register new voters in time for this election. We’ve registered lots of new voters and now it is time for us to get ourselves motivated for a massive Get Out To Vote (GOTV) campaign. In fact, the AJC reported this morning that there is a surge of new voters since March of this year totaling 212,000!

NOW, it is time to GOTV! We will need volunteers for this and you and your friends and family to participate with us. Please see below and let us know if you are able to assist us during the week, evening, office hours, weekends, from home, offer rides to the polls? Your choice. Let us know.

Questions about the voting process? Call us at 1-888-54GALEO. Orale! Su VOTO Es Su Voz!

By the way, have you visited our new website re-design? Please check it out and let us know your thoughts! Visit www.GALEO.org!


Stay more engaged and connected at www.facebook.com/GALEO.org. Updates are posted daily on what is happening regarding immigration and voting access.

VOLUNTEERS needed for registering New Americans at naturalization ceremonies on Fridays, canvassing on weekends, and making phone calls on Thursdays in October. Let us know if you are interested and sign up below.
GALEO Leadership Council is up and ready with lots of events and plans. Join our efforts and attend our monthly meetings throughout the year. Next meeting will be on October 14th at the LAA! Send us an email to jerry@2014old.galeo.org if you are interested in attending.

Orale! Our work together builds towards greater respect for our community & better inclusion of Latinos in Georgia!

Thank you!


JG Cesar Chavez Day 2013
Jerry Gonzalez, GALEO



To see the full email, please follow this link!

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