For immediate release
Media contact:
Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO
Email: / Office: 678.691.1086.
(Norcross, GA): June 12, 2019 – From Governor’s Press Release: “Governor Brian P. Kemp made history today by appointing Doraville Police Chief and Brigadier General John King to serve as Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner and Safety Fire Commissioner. King is the first Hispanic Insurance Commissioner and statewide constitutional officer.”
Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, released this statement on this historic announcement:
“GALEO commends Governor Brian P. Kemp for making history today with the appointment of Doraville Police Chief and Brigadier General John King to serve as Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner and Safety Fire Commissioner. Chief John King is a native of Mexico and with the appointment has become the first ever Latino statewide constitutional officer.
As police chief, King worked tirelessly to build strong relationships with his diverse community in Doraville by creating and implementing several youth education, crime-prevention programs, as well as prioritizing linguistic inclusion within his police force. King worked to hire bilingual officers, and he placed numerous languages on his fleet of police cars.
Several years ago, Chief John King served as a keynote speaker for one of GALEO’s Power Breakfasts, one of our annual fundraising events.
We look forward to working alongside his leadership and to building a better Georgia together. Once again, GALEO applauds this historic appointment of a stellar Georgian who has served our state and nation honorably.”