GALEO Releases Report “2016: The Latino Electorate in Georgia Continues To Grow and To Vote”

GALEO Releases Report “2016: The Latino Electorate in Georgia Continues To Grow and To Vote”

Latina voters lead the voter participation with record-breaking turnout

Press Release

July 6, 2017

(ATLANTA, GEORGIA) July 6, 2017 – GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund released the third report highlighting the 2016 growth and engagement of the Latino electorate in Georgia.  In partnership with the NALEO Educational Fund and with Trey Hood, Ph.D., University of Georgia’s Department of Political Science, GALEO compiled the most recently updated and comprehensive analysis of the Latino electorate in Georgia.


“The Latino vote in Georgia continues to grow at double digit rates and is outpacing national Latino voter participation for the 2016 election.  In fact, Latinas lead the way in November 2016 with a 73% voter participation rate.  As the state continues to grow, the Latino electorate and its influence in the outcomes of elections also continues to grow,” said Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO.
Some of the key findings are highlighted below:












  • The Latino electorate is now 244,190 voters strong and had a statewide voter participation rate of 53.3%.  Nationally, the Latino voter participation rate was on  ly 47%.
  • Latinas dominated voter participation rates with 73% casting ballots in 2016.  Nationally, for all women, the voter participation rate was 63% while for Latinas it was 50% nationwide.
  • Since 2012 election, the Latino electorate added 60,224 new registered voters, accounting for 25% growth.
  • Report highlights voter registration and voter participation in the following jurisdictions:
    • Counties
    • The Cities of Gainesville and Dalton
    • Congressional Districts
    • State Senate Legislative Districts
    • State House Legislative Districts
  • 43,402 more Latino voters participated in the 2016 election as compared to the 2012 election, accounting for a growth rate of 33%.
  • The majority of Latino voters in Georgia are between the ages of 18-40, representing a young electorate.
  • 53% of the Latino electorate registered to vote between the period of 2011-2016.
  • The 6th Congressional District had a Latino voter participation rate of 60%, while the 7th Congressional District had a 57.9% Latino voter participation rate.





  • Gwinnett County alone accounted for 18% of the state’s Latino electorate and are 10% of the total electorate in the county.  Latinos in Gwinnett had a high voter participation rate of 57%.
  • In Hall County, Latino voters account for 11% of the electorate and saw Latino voter participation rates of 48.4%, which is a significant increase from the 2012 election Latino voter participation rate of 36.9%.
  • In the City of Gainesville, the Latino electorate nearly doubledand saw significant increase in Latino voter participation rate (11.3%) from the 2012 election.  (2012-30.8%; 2016-42.1%).
  • Whitfield County has the highest share of the electorate where Latinos hold 18.11% of the total electorate.
  • GALEO & the GALEO LCDF had active non-partisan voter engagement efforts across the state, but focused on DeKalb, Cobb, Gwinnett, Hall and Whitfield Counties.


For full report, please follow this link:


GALEO’s mission is to increase civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino/Hispanic community across Georgia.

CORE BELIEFS: Inclusive, Non-Partisan, Diversity, Responsive



Univision 34 Atlanta, July 6, 2017:  “Aumenta la participación de votantes latinos en Georgia, asegura GALEO”

Encuéntralo en este enlace:


WABE, Local NPR station, 90.1 FM, “A Closer Look” with Rose Scott, July 10, 2017:

“GALEO: Georgia’s Latino electorate continues to grow, cast ballots” (WDUN, 7/6/17)

Latinos flexing political muscle in Gainesville, Hall

Report cites more than 40 percent rise in voter signups, participation

POSTED: July 7, 2017 12:30 a.m.

Study: Latino electorate growing in size, influence in Georgia

Mundo Hispanico

Crece el número de electores latinos en Georgia

Dalton Daily Citizen:  “Hispanic electorate growing”  By Jill Nolin,,

Valdosta Daily Times, By:  Jill Nolin, July 9, 2017 Blog: “Latinos flexing political muscle in Gainesville, Hall”



La Vision De Georgia, July 14, 2017.

July 13, 2017:  “Latino Vote in Georgia Continues to Grow  and Outpaces National Latino Voter Participation” via @LatinoConnectGA


July 15, 2017, Atlanta Journal Constitution, “Nuestra Comunidad: Number of Latino voters increases in Georgia,”

July 16, 2017, Gwinnett Daily Post, “Study: Gwinnett leads state in registered Latino voters” #GALatinoVote #iamGALEO #gapol



Marietta Daily Journal, July 17, 2017.  “DEMOGRAPHICS: The number of Latinos who vote in Cobb County is on the rise.” blog post:  “Investment opportunity:  Georgia’s Civic Engagement Network,”  July 18, 2017:


Latin American Chamber of Commerce of Georgia, Monthly Breakfast Series, “The Latino vote in Georgia
in the 2016 election,
” presented by Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director, GALEO, July 27, 2017.


In Gwinnett, Latino groups threaten more voting rights litigation,, July 26, 2017.

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