April 30, 2018
Media contact:
Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director, GALEO
Email: jerry@2014old.galeo.org
April 30, 2018 (Atlanta, GA) – The League of Women Voters of Georgia honored several people on Saturday, April 28, 2018, at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, GA, as part of their annual “2018 Power of the Vote” luncheon. One of the honorees for the “Future Leaders Empowerment Award” was Harvey Soto, Program Coordinator for Civic Engagement, GALEO.
Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO, issued the following statement regarding the recognition:
“GALEO is proud of the hard work and successes accomplished by Harvey Soto in promoting voter engagement, citizenship and advocacy of the Latinx community in Georgia. GALEO thanks the League of Women Voters of Georgia for their ongoing work to promote civic engagement in our state and for their recognition of one of our many future leaders within the Latinx community. Harvey has certainly made tremendous contributions to GALEO and to our nation through his hard work, dedication and commitment. We are proud of his recognition by the League of Women Voters of Georgia and we congratulate Harvey Soto for a well-deserved honor.”
Harvey Soto, GALEO, (Center) with his parents |
Other honorees included:
Legacy Leaders
- Ms. Xernona Clayton, America Civil Rights Leader & CEO, Founder of the Trumpet Awards Foundation
Nellie Duke, Founder & Former Chairperson of the Georgia Commission on Women
Current Leaders
- Jan Selman,Co-Founder, NewPower PAC
- Janel Green, Co-Founder & Executive Director of the Georgia Alliance for Social Justice
Future Leaders
- Mary-Pat Hector,National Youth Director, National Action Network.
More information about the League of Women Voters of Georgia can be found here: https://my.lwv.org/georgia