I would like to make you aware that applications for the 2016 Leadership Sin Limites! Youth Leadership Development Program are available. Deadline is April 29th. You are receiving this email because you have recommended students in previous years and/or because of your support to this program.
Leadership Sin Limites! is a vehicle to develop leadership skills in high school-aged students, to encourage the attainment of higher education, and to promote civic engagement. It is our philosophy that developing youth as leaders will increase their knowledge and access to educational opportunities.
The program consists of a 5-day summer program followed by a 1-day closing session held at the University of Georgia. Sessions are interactive and build on key learnings from previous session(s). Through the program, students:
· Learn about personal leadership styles,
· Learn how to impact change through leadership,
· Gain a better understanding of issues that impact Georgia’s and the nation’s Latino community,
· Participate in a forum for discussion and information sharing,
· Learn about the path to higher education, and
· Develop and implement a collaborative service project in their home communities.
We look forward to receiving your students’ applications to this UGA Leadership and College Readiness program: http://www.fanning.uga.edu/event/leadership-sin-limites-1