June 17th Citizenship Drive at the Mexican Consulate of Atlanta
Eres un Residente Legal y quieres aplicar para ser Cuidadano Americano? GALEO te puede ayudar. El 17 de Junio, vamos a tener un taller para la cuidadania para ayudar llenar tu aplicacion de Cuidadania. Vamos a estar en el Consulado Mexicano , 1700 Chantilly Dr, Atlanta, GA 30324 , de 9am-3pm . Por favor haga una reserva llamando 1-888-544-2536 o visita:
Para verificar si usted es elegible para solicitar la ciudadanía estadounidense, visite la página de web de U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: https://www.uscis.gov/es/ciudadania/ciudadania-por-naturalizacion/general-para-la-naturalizacion/para-obtener-la-naturalizacionciudadania
Para registrarse para el evento como un solicitante, hágalo aquí: http://bit.ly/citizenshipjune17
New Americans Campaign-Atlanta and the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials is hosting a free citizenship workshop at the Mexican Consulate, 1700 Chantilly Dr, Atlanta, GA 30324, from 9am-3pm . At this free naturalization workshop, you will be helping green card holders apply for U.S. citizenship. Green card holders will be given one-on-one assistance in completing their application forms and fee waivers, provided with individual legal review by an attorney, and given a clear list of next steps.
To verify that you qualify to apply for U.S. citizenship, please visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services page: https://www.uscis.gov/us-citizenship/citizenship-through-naturalization/path-us-citizenship
To register for the event as a potential applicant – REGISTER HERE: http://bit.ly/citizenshipjune17
We still need volunteers for this event. We need attorney and non-attorney help! If you’re interested please sign up at https://volunteer.legal/event/86l59q35p2/signup