Dear Colleagues, Educators, and Students:

I am writing in search of applicants for a prestigious scholarship available at Georgia Southern University: The Goizueta Foundation Scholarship for Latino Educators. This scholarship, funded by an endowment from the Goizueta Foundation of Atlanta, helps support Latino/Hispanic students at Georgia Southern University who are seeking to become teachers. Scholarship recipients will be:

a) Enrolled at Georgia Southern University at least half-time (6 credit hours) during at least two semesters during the 2017-2018 academic year (exceptions are made for student teaching semesters);
b) Pursuing a program at Georgia Southern University that will lead to initial certification as a teacher;
c) Of Latino/Hispanic background – and – Members of a family resident in the US;
d) In possession of a legal Social Security number (thus, DACA recipients are eligible);
e) Willing and able to document financial need via the application; and
f) New, incoming freshmen, transfer students, and graduate students who meet these criteria are all eligible, as are current undergraduate, and graduate students at GA Southern University who meet these criteria.

Scholarship funds can be used for on-campus housing, meal plans, books, tuition, and fees. Unless a student is student teaching, scholarship funds must be evenly distributed across at least 2 semesters within an academic year. Recipients can apply for renewal of the scholarship every academic year. However, such renewal is not automatic. Renewal of a scholarship depends upon: steady progress toward graduation; good academic standing; compliance with the Georgia Southern University Student Conduct Code; extracurricular activities; and community and/or institutional service such as tutoring local students and/or recruiting new applicants for this scholarship. All undergraduates are limited to 8 semesters of scholarship funds. All initial certification graduate students are limited to 5 semesters of scholarship funds.

The APPLICATION DEADLINE for 2017-18 scholarships is MARCH 15, 2017.

PLEASE FORWARD and POST: If you know of someone who would be a good candidate, please forward this message to him or her. If you know of an email list or website that could publicize this to an appropriate audience, please feel free to forward or post this note.

DIRECTIONS for APPLYING: (also at: http://admissions.georgiasouthern.edu/programs/scholarships/)
Current Georgia Southern Students, including current scholarship recipients applying for renewal, please skip to step #3.

1) Apply for admission at Georgia Southern here: http://admissions.georgiasouthern.edu/apply/
2) A couple days later, log in to check your status. Once you have been admitted and have your Eagle ID#,
continue to step #3.
3) Log into the MyGeorgiaSouthern webpage at: https://my.georgiasouthern.edu/ and click on the MyScholarships portal. Complete the “General Application.” Make sure to click the box to indicate that you want to become a teacher and study education.
4) After you submit the General Application, use the search option to find the Goizueta Scholarship for Latino Educators. You will need to provide more information and an essay specifically relevant to the scholarship.
5) Finally, please send me an e-mail at: salbeck@georgiasouthern.edu so I know that you have applied!

If you have any problems in completing this process, please contact me –
Dr. Scott Beck, Co-Chair, Goizueta Scholars Fund for Initial Certification of Latino Educators Committee

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