Atlanta, GA – September 14, 2018 – The Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce just recently announced this year’s pick for the Top 50 Most Influential Latinos in Georgia! We are delighted to see so many members of our GALEO Familia being celebrated for their groundbreaking work in our communities!
This nomination of our GALEO Familia comes at a perfect moment as we reflect on 15 years of work in the community. It is humbling to see that many of our GALEO Institute for Leadership (GIL) Alumni, GALEO Leadership Council (GLC) Alumni, former and current board members, and active GALEO members are being recognized for extending their leadership beyond GALEO and throughout our state.
Warm congratulations to all of our GALEO members and to all others on the list!
Adelina Nicholls, GIL Alumni
David Arraya, GIL Alumni
Dax Lopez, Former GALEO Board Member
Deborah Gonzalez, Current GALEO Board Member
Gigi Pedraza, Active GALEO Member
Ivan Shammas, Former GALEO Board Member, Former Chair of GLC, GIL Alumni
Jason Anavitarte, Former GALEO Board member
Jason Esteves, Current GALEO Chair
Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO
Laura Murvartian, Former GALEO Chair, Former GLC Chair, GIL Alumni
Mimi Woodson, Current GALEO Board Member & Longest serving Board Member
Pedro Marin, Former GALEO Vice Chair
Rudy Beserra, Former GALEO Board Member
Sam Zamarripa, Former GALEO Chair
Tony Del Campo, Former GALEO Chair
Yehimi Cambron, GIL Alumni and 2010 Census Volunteer
Thank you for working tirelessly to cultivate a community where Latinos can thrive, and thank you to all other community leaders that were not on the list but continue to be equally influential and empowering!
Click here to have a look at the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce page and to read each of their biographies!