U.S. Commission on Civil Rights: Civil Rights Analyst

Under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act’s Mobility Program, individuals who work for state or local governments, or educational institutions may be eligible to serve the Commission as a Civil Rights Analyst or in other positions of need.

These positions are available through an Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement between the Commission and the individual’s home institution. The home institution would need to agree to continue compensating the employee while that employee serves the Commission on a full-time or part-time basis. More information about this program can be found at https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/hiring-information/intergovernment-personnel-act/.


The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is an independent, bipartisan, fact-finding federal agency whose mission is to inform the development of national civil rights policy and enhance enforcement of federal civil rights laws. Congress has mandated that the Commission establish and maintain an advisory committee in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia to provide advice and recommendations on civil rights issues within their jurisdiction.


As a Civil Rights Analyst with the Regional Programs Unit, this individual will add a critical resource to the unit in its goal to have all 51 advisory committees active by reporting on civil rights issues and informing civil rights policy. This position will increase the information the Commission will receive by enabling more advisory committees to study civil rights issues within their respective jurisdiction. The Civil Rights Analyst will help the Regional Programs unit fulfill its congressionally-mandated mission meeting with advisory committee Chairs prior to meetings to set agenda, goals, and discuss best practices for ensuring a well-run meeting; preparing for and participating in advisory committee meetings to assist the Committee in choosing a civil rights topic to study; researching relevant civil rights legislation and its enforcement at both the state and federal level; gathering background information on current cases, monitoring related news and hosting conversations with community leaders; analyzing related qualitative and quantitative data; drafting and editing project proposals, research papers, and study memos; and directing the process for drafting and completing the advisory committee reports.


Subjects studied are broad in coverage as the Commission’s mandate includes discrimination on the basis of color, race, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), age, ability status, or national origin; in the administration of justice; and in the right to vote. Examples of subjects recently taken up by advisory committees include the progress of school integration since the Brown decision, election administration and voting access, and hate incidents.


For more information on this position and to apply for consideration, please contact David Mussatt at dmussatt@usccr.gov.


David Mussatt, Ph.D.

Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Direct: 202-794-9856| Office: 312-353-8311| Fax: 312-353-8324



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