Advocacy: Please call Governor Deal & ask for VETO of HB452!
Advocacy and Engagement Email
Please support our efforts to promote greater engagement of the Latino community and to continue leadership development. Si se puede! Su VOTO Es Su Voz!
#GALatinoVote #iamGALEO
April 3, 2017
Your voice helped kill several anti-immigrant bills this year and also some anti-voter bills. THANK YOU!
Unfortunately, HB452, the GBI Immigrant Registry, made it through the Legislature and now needs to be VETOED by the Governor. Please see below for details on what you can do!
Please join our advocacy efforts by joining our texting campaign. The image to the right is our latest way to engage with our supporters in a timely manner and make our efforts more effective. Please stay engaged by texting the word IMMIGRATION to the short code number 864-237. This will add you to our texting program to ensure we speak up at needed times.
Please see other ways in which you can engage below.
Once again, as 2017 continues, please consider the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund as you prioritize your annual donations. Please follow the link here:
Thank you for your support!
Jerry Gonzalez
Executive Director
Join us to oppose the Immigrant Registry (HB452) was passed by the Georgia Legislature. Ask Governor Nathan Deal to VETO it!
This legislation is bad for Georgia because:
- It target ALL immigrants, including Legal Permanent Residents and legal visa holders.
- Does not advance or enhance public safety. Instead, it would make immigrants likely targets of vigilante efforts. Examples of recent hate crimes against immigrants are happening nationally with more recent example of the killing and injuring of Indian immigrants and an attack against a Sikh man in his home.
- Employers who hire immigrants may be targeted too because the system utilized has employer information that may be posted on the GBI Immigrant Registry. Exemptions are not specified in the legislation on what will and will not be posted.
- The legislation is anti-immigrant and would make Georgia unwelcoming to foreign investment.
Please call the Governor & ask him to VETO HB452!
Office of the Governor
Hon. Nathan Deal
206 Washington Street
111 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Send him an email here:
Check out the legislation here:
Information is POWER!
Resources for Trump Administration IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT Concerns and Fears.
Please take a look and share with our IMMIGRANT community members.
We have updated these resources, and we will continue to do so as we know more.
Please share this link widely to alleviate fears, concerns and questions many immigrant community members may have.
U.S. citizen woman was detained by immigration for over a month
Please read the AJC article here and join our efforts.
Gwinnett County looking for a BILINGUAL Resources & Marketing Specialist
Please check out this job opportunity. Our community needs someone in this position ASAP! Spread the word!
Join us with posting your #iamGALEO pics on social media
GALEO is more than just five letters. GALEO is you. Please post your picture online with the hashtag #IamGALEO on any social media. This will help us demonstrate to legislators that GALEO is supported by people like you! Go ahead and post!
Here is one of the most recent videos:
Mariela Romero, Univision 34 Atlanta #iamGALEO
Mariela Romero, Univision 34 Atlanta #iamGALEO
See other videos and posts on social media here!
Catholic Charities-Atlanta and Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials are hosting a free citizenship workshop Archdiocese of Atlanta, 2401 Lake Park Dr, Smyrna, GA 30080, from 9am-3pm . At this free naturalization workshop, you will be helping green card holders apply for U.S. citizenship. Green card holders will be given one-on-one assistance in completing their application forms and fee waivers, provided with individual legal review by an attorney, and given a clear list of next steps.
The link for attendees is below:
En Español:
Eres un Residente Legal y quieres aplicar para ser Cuidadano Americano? GALEO te puede ayudar. El 6 de mayo, vamos a tener un taller para la cuidadania para ayudar llenar tu aplicacion de Cuidadania. Vamos a estar en Archdiocese of Atlanta 2401 Lake Park Dr, Smyrna, GA 30080 , de 9am-3pm . Por favor haga una reserva llamando 1800-544-2536 o visita:
VOLUNTEERS are also needed. If you would like to volunteer, please contact
Hava Tequila: Access Latino-Jewish Event
Join us for Hava Tequila: A Night of a Little More Charla for an evening of storytelling on identity in the Jewish and Latino communities!
Our featured storytellers include Jason Esteves (GALEO Vice Chair), Dr. Jose Montero, and Desiree Nathanson.
Register here:
Wednesday, April 5
6:30pm: Registration
7:00pm: Dinner& Program
No Mas Cantina
Cost: $10
GALEO Seeking College for Summer 2017
Interested in working on immigration reform and voter engagement in Georgia?
GALEO seeks undergraduate or graduate students every semester (Spring & Summer) for several part-time internships in community relations and administrative support. All student interns will be required to work a minimum of 10-15 hours per week and work directly with the Executive Director and Program Manager on a variety of important duties.
Please send a resume and writing sample to Maria Palacios, GALEO Program Coordinator at At this time, we will not be hosting interns in the Fall 2017.
For more details about this internship opportunity, please follow this link.
Volunteers are needed to register voters at Naturalization ceremonies!
Many people will become U.S. citizens this year and will need to register to vote. Volunteers are needed to help us with this initiative. Please volunteer if you can!
Schedule for volunteer opportunities is posted on our website here:
Let us know by sending an email to to confirm your interest and feel free to invite friends too!
There will be training necessary for all volunteers before going to the naturalization ceremonies.
Please send us an email and let us know when you can volunteer!
Check out our Job Opportunities section on our website!
Are you looking for a new career or job opportunity? Know someone who is looking for a job? Also, some volunteer positions will be posted here from time to time. Please check this link weekly!
GALEO is also seeking an Executive Assistant for a full time position with our team. Please take a look and share. Lots of opportunities for community members.
Registration is OPEN for the 14th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast on Friday, May 19th!
Keynote address:
Anna Maria Chávez
1st woman of color appointed to be the CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA
You wouldn’t want to miss this event!
The 14th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast is one of the signature fundraising events for GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund.
Please click below to get your tickets and to learn more!
Join GALEO & become an active member of our network!
You will be entered into a raffle to win a pair of Southwest Airlines domestic tickets.
Your membership to GALEO supports our work and also allows for you to become part of the GALEO Leadership Council!
GALEO membership is open to anyone who supports our efforts and mission. Please consider becoming a member to help support our efforts in civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community in Georgia. Through your membership, YOU make a difference and add your voice to ours! Together, we are STRONGER!
Become part of our GALEO Familia by becoming a MEMBER of GALEO. Once you are a member, you may join our GALEO Leadership Council to engage in the many activities we have going on to promote civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community.
Announcing the Southwest Airlines partnership for the months of April & May 2017. If you become a GALEO Member or renew your membership in either month, you will be entered into a raffle for a pair of Domestics Southwest Airlines tickets. The higher your membership level, the higher your odds are of winning! Become a member soon!
GALEO Membership:
Join the GALEO Familia today!