2016 Cesar Chavez Essay Contest, 1st place Winner, Adult Category
How has Cesar Chavez influenced your life and what impact will his work have on your future?
By: Angela Saxton, Atlanta, GA
My introduction to the Civil Rights Movement began early, with conversations on the couch with my father discussing what it means to be “of color” in the USA. In my early years of education the civil rights movement was presented to me as three paragraphs in my history book. While in college violent images of the movement were burned into my growing conscious and cognizant mind; as a student seeking the experiences of civil right leaders through the academic disciplines of African American Lit and Ethnic studies. Caesar Chavez was one civil rights leader that helped me understand the breadth of the movement and its impact on the identity of those that constitute working America. Caesar Chavez’s leadership in labor organizing for farm workers prompted in me, vivid memories of my first high school job where I received my first lesson in the colors of inequality, justice and change.
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